Tips for Job Seekers

Applying for a job can be stressful, especially if you do not have a lot of experience in the professional world.

ߣ¶ÌÊÓƵ’s Recruitment Team meet and engage with hundreds of job seekers each year and understand what makes a good resume and how to nail a job interview.

We hope these tips can help you land the apprenticeship or traineeship of your dreams!

Resume Tips

Creating an effective resume is critical to your job search. A resume helps to introduce you to an organisation, presents your background and achievements and highlights what you think is most important about you.

Highlight Work Experience add

Detail any work experience you have. If you have not had a job, include things like babysitting, labouring work you have done with family members, volunteering etc.

You may not think it is relevant to the job you are applying for, but it shows a potential employer you have worked and can be responsible.

Sell Benefits, Not Features add

Don’t just describe a list of your personal qualities. Remember to include your personal achievements, which can include things like captain of a sports team or student peer support leader. Your achievements are your unique contributions, and show that there may be greater benefits to hiring you.

Presentation and Layout add

Your resume must be easy to read, scan or email. Make sure your resume has a clean and professional appearance. Do not cram too much information onto one page. Use simple fonts and plain white paper.


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Job Interview Tips

Presenting yourself effectively is key to landing a job. Your preparation and how you present yourself are very important to having a successful job interview. Here are some tips that can help you get the most out of your next interview.

Preparation is Key add

The key to performing well at an interview is preparation. Preparation includes researching the company, anticipating questions and practicing responses, and being aware of the appropriate way to dress and behave. Preparation and practice can boost your confidence and your overall performance within the interview.

Research the Employer add

Find out as much about the company as possible. You can find information about the company in a number of ways, including its website, internet searches or simply call the business and request some information. By learning about the company’s culture, you might able to find out which skills and experience the employer needs most.

Practice Questions and Answers add

Your success at the job interview will also depend on your answers to a variety of questions. These questions can cover your educational and work history, what skills you possess and your strengths are. Have a practice of what your answers might be to some potential questions. If it helps, make some dot points and go over these before your interview.

Make a Good First Impression add

First impressions are all important, so put some thought and effort into your appearance. You should dress to create a good impression, arrive early, smile, be polite to everyone you encounter and remain positive and confident.

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